Does certo work for heavy smokers or vapers? This original article from wayofleaf. If you have any quesion, please comment below. Read on and find out the answer.

‘Certo’ is a generic name for Fruit Pectin with the trademark held by Kraft. The company also has another brand called ‘Sure Jell’ which is the same thing as Certo but with different packaging.
Fruit pectin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide in fruits and is extracted from sweet fruits such as peaches, pears, apples, and berries. All polysaccharides consist of long-chain monosaccharides and they are a digestible fiber. You will typically find fruit pectin in jellies and jams because of its ability to gel things together. As it is a highly soluble fiber, it does a good job of detoxifying your system. It is excreted through the system via your feces.
Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims. However, cynics believe it is the large volumes of water involved that help people get through drug tests. While it is possible that the fiber in pectin helps temporarily keep toxins from leaving your system via urine, there is also a chance that simply drinking large quantities of liquid dilutes your urine to the point where you can pass a drug test. In any case, if you do decide to use the Certo Drug Test detox method, make sure to test it out first!
Source: Wayofleaf