The answer is 7 grams (1 quarter =7.087381). Read on and find out how to light your weed correctly. If you have any question, please comment below.

PS. for an approximate result, multiply the mass value by 28.35
As mentioned, budtenders measure out larger quantities using grams — which is why it’s so important to understand how many grams are in a quarter of weed.
If we’re being exact, a quarter contains 7.0874 grams of weed. However, it’s much more common in the cannabis industry to round down, so generally speaking, there are seven grams in a quarter of cannabis.
For reference, let’s take a look at the gram breakdown of each of the main weed measurements (again, rounding to the nearest half or whole number to keep with industry standards):
1 eighth = ⅛-ounce = 3.5 grams
1 quarter = ¼-ounce = 7 grams
1 half = ½-ounce = 14 grams
1 ounce = 28 grams
So, another way of thinking about how many grams are in a quarter is to break down the quarter into two eighths. If an eighth contains 3.5 grams, then two eighths would be 3.5 grams multiplied by two — which gives you the 7 grams you’ll find in a quarter.
Source: Weedmaps